Taiwan Trip 2016 #1 @XiMenDing, YeLiu, JiuFen, ShiFen ❤

Finally I had updated my Taiwan tripThere are sooooo many photos which were taken when I was traveling have been saved in my phone until insufficient storage -..- I have to finish editing and backup them into hard disk asap to save my phone @@
Back to the topic, as I always prefer self traveling than paid group tour, this time my family and I decided to travel in Taipei and Tai Chung. Before heading off, I had read many reviews and done planning routes to make sure the trip would go smooth. SOOOOOOO let's get started !!!

My first stop was in Taipei. I had transfer flight in Hong Kong first. I booked the flight tickets during the promotion season, it cost me about RM800++

I used to have manicures before traveling~ ◕‿◕

The service of Cathay Pacific was great and satisfying.

After arriving Tao Yuan Airport, I had bought a data plan from 台湾大哥大(Taiwan Mobile). The two largest mobile phone service providers in Taiwan are Chunghwa Telecom and Taiwan Mobile. For me, these two are basically same for the prices of prepaid plan. However I chose Taiwan Mobile as my brother said this is more famous lol. Therefore, 10 days unlimited data for me to splurge hohoho. 
Jkjk, actually I needed data to use Google Map to find directions along the journey (*especially for me who really lack of sense of directions ㅠㅠ) Furthermore, I had to contact the driver who would bring us touring when we arrived Taichung. You can choose to buy data plan when you arrive here or rent wifi egg before departure in Malaysia. Here's one of the pocket wifi rental sites:

Travel Recommends

Xi Men Ding

 About 6p.m., we took a 45 mins cab ride to Xi Men Ding to check in hotel. The sky was dim in the early evening.

My family and I stayed at ECFA Hotel Wan Nian which is on the 6th floor of Wan Nian building. *the information of hotel is attached below the post
My family room which can accommodate five persons cost about RM300/night ( included breakfast ) It is wide and clean. The staffs are friendly and polite too. The hotel is at the city center. Wan Nian is just a 5-minute walk from Xi Men MRT Station and a 3-minute walk from The Red House. There are karaoke and shop lots inside the building too. After walking out, you will come to the shopping area. There is Family Mart in the area too, a convenience store which is a must-go place!!! It is like our 7 eleven but the difference is there are more types of stuffsss. In Xi Men Ding, I could see many fashionista youths walking around the area. There are lots of BBQ, steamboat restaurants along the streets which makes me wanna rush inside to eat !!! o

There are lots of choices for breakfast( self-service ) such as minced pork rice( must try when come to Taiwan!!! ), cold noodles, dimsum... The beverages machine are provided too like coffee and tea. My favorite drinks are fresh orange juice and Yakult 

The food in Taiwan mostly cost about NT$100-NT$180, slightly more expensive than Malaysian food. However, the amount of food is larger than the usual food in Malaysia. Girls who do not eat much will need to share with others for one set of meal. In Xi Men Ding, I had the Zap Fan ( Economy Rice ) for two days, 4 dishes+rice+soup cost about NT$100. The pastel box which I dapao back to hotel look so nice

Yehliu Geopark

The next day, we rented a cab for one day ( YehLiu⇾JiuFen⇾ShiFen ) You can book through hotel staffs or just find on the street as there are many cab drivers provide this one day tour. It cost about NT$500. The other transports are MRT or bus which you have to check the guidelines on Google.
After an hour, we finally arrived Yehliu Geopark. The price of adults tickets is NT$80. 

*image adapted from Google
Yehliu Geopark is popular for its sea-erosion landscape, It is one of most famous wonders in the world. The coastal line is stretching in a direction vertical to the layer and the structure line. Besides, the influences caused by wave attack, rock weathering, earth movement and crustal movement all contribute to the formation of such a rare and stunning geological landscape. So you can see many kinds of the rock shapes. For example, the so called “Queen’s Head” is in fact a mushroom rock. It gets the title because the shape as formed after the top of rock being fallen apart appears like the side face of Queen Elizabeth.

The Queen’s Head is regarded as the landmark of Yehliu. The visitors have to queue up to see it. The queue was damn looooong so I just strolled around the park and took photos.

Many Taiwanese were walking dogs in the park.

My face was so pong @*..*@

Jiu Fen

After that we came to Jiu Fen. Although the distance from the entrance to the exit is short, I was almost fainted as the street was damn crowded!!! Even I wanted to buy desserts at the stalls but there was no places for me to stand. @@

Adorable ceramic ducklings

There were too many people so we decided to walk through a shortcut. Huhhhh finally came out~~~

Walking along the art street.

Jiu Fen Taro Ball

After walking for long time, I was starving ╯@╰  Our cab driver brought us to eat Jiu Fen taro ball. This is one of my favourite desserts. Before that I was so addicted to Snowflake and now I could try taro ball which was made in Taiwan <3

When you arrive the shop, you can see a huge gorilla *it looks damn real lol
My favourite taro ball was toooooooo tasty

Shi Fen Waterfall

Shi Fen Waterfall is a scenic waterfall located in Pingxi District. The view was magnificent as it is the broadest waterfall in Taiwan. 

Crossed the suspension bridge.

Shi Fen Old Street

We had come to Shi Fen Old Street after visiting the waterfall park. It is an old railroad town which attracts many visitors. Most of the people were releasing sky lanterns. This is a significant ritual in Taiwan.

Handmade pearl milk tea

There are many old shops and special cafes along the street.

Yannick Ice Cream | Wanli District

This was the ice cream which was recommended by the cab driver. It is made of Hokkaido milk. The two flavors are original and chocolate or you can mix these two. 3 for NT$210. The ice cream booth was at the outside of the bakery. There is a cafe beside it too.

ECFA Hotel - Wan Nian 爱客发时尚商务旅馆万年馆 
Address: 6F, No. 70, Xining South Road, Wanhua District, 108 Taipei, Taiwan
Website: http://www.ecfahotelwannian.com/zh-tw/

Yannick Original Store 亚尼克果子工房 
*there are a few retail shops
Tel: (02) 2492-6359
Shop Address: No. 127-5, Wanli District, New Taipei City
Website: http://www.yannick.com.tw/

Thanks for reading~


  1. Hello,

    Can I ask if how much was the range for the driver you hired for the tour?


    1. Hi Merz, the price for the one day trip (from morning to evening) in Taipei is about NT5000 for 5 people in the cab, you can get a driver easily along the street in XiMenDing area as most of them do offer this service. I hope this information is still useful for you =)



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