Christmas Market in Dublin Castle | Gil's Diary❤ #5

It was my first time visiting a Christmas market in Europe. It was very different from the Asian night market I used to see a lot.
We went into the City Hall since it was raining heavily

The weather was terrible

There were stalls selling food, accessories, hand-made craft and so on.
Bought a packet of churros but it didn't taste good
We found cheaper Claddagh ring at a stall.
It is a traditional Irish ring which represents love, loyalty, and friendship.
My roommate and I bought the Claddagh rings. The stall owner was kind enough to give us a discount. This was my first time to bargain the price in the western country and it did work out.
The dreamcatcher which was bought by my roommate had refined quality. 
My favorite spot - Carousel

It was raining for a few hours and it still didn't stop when we left the castle
Bought some desserts in Tesco before going back home
